TRAVEL & Recreation

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Daena NIchols | Destination Planner |

Daena NIchols | Destination Planner |

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By Daena Nichols | Haute Is Online Contributing Travel Writer

During this time of crisis, I hear the same thing from so many of my clients, what will it be like to travel this summer. Will there be a second wave of coronavirus? Will civil unrest continue? What if the economy takes a turn for the worse? There are so many unknowns and so much is still up in the air? Safety is a number one priority and a theme for 2020. As a travel agent I treat my clients like family and make sure their travel plans are foolproof and safe.

Spring break vacation never happened, and many are itching to get away and relax, but with Covid-19 still prevalent many families are asking, is it safe to travel this summer? That’s a loaded question but the short answer is, now is not the time for that great American road trip out west but rather consider a short drive and day trips close to home. Whether you live in Michigan, Tennessee, or Montana there are so many state parks, beaches and small towns to discover. Pack a picnic and enjoy some of the countries beautiful scenery that may be right in your backyard.

To simplify things let’s put them into three basic categories:


When planning your trip, the first step is to go online and look at the current covid-19 conditions in the area you’d like to visit. It’s been shown that hot spots are due to the fact that the population in that area are staying outdoors. Usually this is because of heat and thus, infection rates tend to skyrocket. For example, areas like lower Michigan are at much lower risk of infection than say Florida or California. Very popular destinations are going to increase your risk of exposure to the virus and those who are carriers. If you don’t need to go, then by all means avoid it! Keep in mind the health and age of those traveling with you. Make sure you take all medications and phone numbers for doctors, hospitals a list of medications. It’s good to be prepared in case someone gets sick or needs emergency assistance.



Once you’ve determined a location then you have to ask yourself, how are you going to get there. Driving is probably the safest way to travel. You can control where you go, stop, stay and visit. Pack your own snacks so that you don’t have to go into mom and pop shops or gas stations to find something to munch on. Protein bars, grapes, carrots, fruit, cheese and crackers are all great snacks. Stock your car with sanitation supplies to keep your car clean and help keep you safe. Here’s a list of must haves: Tissues, hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, plastic gloves, masks and disposable bags.

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Flying is a great way to get around but even with all the precautions airlines are currently taking, it still puts you at high risk for exposure. All airlines are requiring you to wear a mask, and they’ve changed some of their food service. In addition, many are cleaning the plane in between each flight with. For example, Delta is using a new technology called electrostatic spraying. The sprayers emit a fine miss throughout the entire interior of the cabin that clings to all surfaces. It has been found to be very effective in ALL communicable diseases, not just COVI-19, and it’s safe for travelers and crew after it’s been applied. All of these increased safety procedures and the loss in revenue over the last three months have cause ticket prices to increase. So, do you spend a lot on a plane ticket, or do you take advantage of low gas prices and drive. For me, I’ll keep the money in my wallet and splurge a little on a souvenir or two.



I love staying in a resort, no cooking, laundry or washing the dishes. It’s freedom for your everyday responsibilities. But, Covid-19 has really thrown a wrench into that and staying at your favorite hotel may not seem so enticing right now. However, if you do decide to do an overnight stay, make sure you call ahead and confirm your reservations. Don’t assume they will be open and operating as normal. Many hotels are at limited capacity and some large tourist centers and smaller chains have unfortunately closed.

Most chains have adapted and ramped up cleaning and safety standards similar to the airlines. For example, contactless guest check in procedures. In addition, wiping down exterior and interior doorknobs, elevator buttons, handles, TV remotes, bathroom fixtures and all surfaces where you may place your belongings. Zip lock bags are great, for example, drop in the remote in the bag, seal it shut and operate it while it’s the bag. If you decide to stay for an extended period, I suggest contacting the front desk and forgo housekeeping service. They will still bring you clean towels but, they will not be entering your room on a daily basis. This allows you to control the sanitization of your room and limit the number of people who you come in contact with.

Another great option is to consider staying at an Airbnb or VBRO vacation rentals as an alternative to hotels. They too have adapted new cleaning protocols and hosts can commit to keep the home empty for a set period of time in-between with no activity and then clean. I’ve stayed in many Airbnb’s across the world and have never been disappointed. Beautiful locations with the benefit of privacy and it gives you that comfy home away from home feel.

The risk associated with travel can never fully be eliminated. As the world evolves and we practice social distancing it’s more important than ever to find ways for human interactions. Preserving and strengthening our relationships now more than ever all the while practicing safe travel procedures. Isolation can only increase depression so, spend time with your family. Mental health can be just as deadly as Covid-19, travel with your family, take precautions and make memories. Enjoy the summer and the beautiful weather. Before you know it, the leaves will be changing colors.


Daena Nicholas | Mickey’s Travel | 810-599-7163 |