Founder Stefanie Miller and model Yuliya in Barreletics gear | Photo: Joe Polimeni @polipix
shoe obsession…Barreletics
By Stefanie Miller | Edited by Roberé Lett | Publisher | Style Editor
As a longtime fan and practitioner of Barre, I was literally unable to "get a grip" during my practice. After experimenting with multiple products, none of them achieved the high quality and performance they claimed. I was in side plank in the middle of class one day, when I realized I was wasting my time constantly coming in and out of position. At that moment, the idea popped into my head to create a flexible, non-slip shoe with all-over grip that could lead me in and out of any position, from side plank to flat back chair. That evening, I was drinking out of a water bottle with a silicone sleeve that I tore off and cut up to create my very first prototype.
Model and Founder Stefanie Miller wears her signature shoe. |
Photo: Steve Ragland Photography IG @steveraglandphotography
Filling A Void
Photo: Joe Polimeni @polipix
For those that are not familiar with barre - Barre was created by ballerina Lotte Berk after an injury forced her to derive another form of exercise to help her rehabilitation. Using the ballet barre and usually held in groups it is physical exercise’s utilizing a series of movements and positions drawing from yoga and pilates.
Trial and Error
Two years and multiple iterations later, that wild idea and on-the-fly prototype has been thoroughly researched, developed and produced, honing pressure points, fit and a patented materiality.
The barreletics performance skin is the only Barre-specific footwear on the market, and our team soon recognized the versatility. The design is equally adapted to yoga, pilates, boxing, water sports and more. One of my favorite uses of the shoe is for stand-up paddle boarding!
Photo: Joe Polimeni @polipix
Game Changer
These In-Studio Performance Skins are incredibly comfortable and have taken my Barre workouts to the next level…a game changer for me!”
The Process
As a Detroit-based entrepreneur, it was really important to me to make and manufacture the product locally. I had the injection molds made so I’d be in control of the quality of the product. Plus I’m weeks away from being a fully patented product! This was a 3.5-year venture in and of itself; to go after a patent as patents can take years to secure for this type of product and my journey through the process reads like a book. My team and I are super proud of accomplishing one of my main goals to create a product that is strong and durable as well as useful and then aesthetically pleasing. I know my products bring a new dimension to the health and fitness genre.
from the start
My former career as a fashion model gave me the opportunity to travel the world, where I fell in love with design, textiles and architecture. My background in fashion and love for design is fused with my passion for fitness and self-care. It is important to me that these shoes are not only designed and made with care -- exceeding all expectations in functionality -- but that you feel beautiful and stylish when you’re wearing them.
I hope you love them as much as I do!
-Stefanie Miller
Founder Stefanie Miller and model Yulia in Barreletics gear |
Photo: Joe Polimeni @polipix
Barreletics apparel @ | Photo: Joe Polimeni @polipix
For more information or to purchase your Barreletics footwear and apparel go to