Haute’s Aviation Diva
Dasia Gorbea | All images: Dasia Gorbea | @theepilotbae
Dasia Gorbea
2022 Haute is Magazines’ Haute Diva is a trendsetter and rule-breaker - both in aviation and fashion. Our Haute Diva possesses her own unique qualities and style. Haute is Magazine is honored to spotlight this extraordinary pilot, singer & businesswoman.
By Roberé Lett | Publisher | Style Editor
Coming from humble beginnings born out of the projects of Brooklyn, New York, Dasia Gorbea has experienced what it truly means to start from the bottom. As she followed in her mother's footsteps by going to college, she was determined to create a better life for herself. Initially, when enrolling at North Carolina A&T State University, she planned to become a lawyer and go to law school upon graduation. After graduating, she instead moved to Atlanta to take a break from school because she wanted to sing.
The “Pilot Bae”
Serving my country.
Dasia is also working on a career as a recording artist.
From humble beginnings, to serving our country, to conquering the skies!
“When something not aviation-related is hard or seems impossible to do I say to myself — If I can fly a plane, surely I can do this”
She landed a job as a flight attendant, where her love for aviation and serving others truly began. Her go-getter attitude prompted her to enlist in the military, where she supported the people of this country on a larger scale. With little to no guidance and being the only one in her family to pursue a career in aviation, this mover and shaker enrolled in flight school upon completing her military training.
She was determined to blaze a path for those now following in her footsteps, becoming a role model for African American females around the country. There is only one percent of African American females who fly professionally in the United States. She worked a variety of jobs to build her flight time. From flight instructing to flying private charters, she has had many experiences. Dasia, First Officer Gorbea is currently an airline pilot flying a fleet of three different jets, bringing hundreds of people to their destinations safely daily.
During the height of the pandemic, when flying almost came to a screeching halt due to decreased travel, she launched her clothing brand, "Pilot Bae," to help give back to various organizations in need. The "Bae" in "Pilot Bae" stands for Bold Authentic Evolution. She wanted to market the brand globally, so her slogan is, "If you pilot through life in a Bold, Authentic, and Evolutionary way, then this shirt is for you." As a result, they featured her on the Emmy award-winning show The Real.
“When things happen and I don’t understand why or if I’m doubting myself and what I’m trying to do — “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”.”
If you'd like to keep up with Ms. Gorbea and her new endeavors, please subscribe to her new YouTube channel, Thee Pilot Bae, where she incorporates her love for God, music, and flying; you can follow her; on Instagram (@theepilotbae) and TikTok!
Haute is Magazine salutes this dynamic pilot, singer, and entrepreneur. Dasia enjoys being one of the few African American women pilots. But wants to help other young women both in her culture and those outside of her race to know they too can be part of the aviation community, follow their dreams, and love their genuine, authentic selves!